In a face-to-face meeting or a telephone conversation it's easy to perceive when your message isn't reaching its audience. But on a web site, visitors browse in and browse away again, unseen but for a few web statistics. How do you know when you're losing a real prospect, or why? What research are you doing to find out?
You are only as aware of site deficiencies as you are self-conscious. If you keep yourself in blissful ignorance that your site cannot be viewed in several web browsers; or that the page where a customer submits an order is broken; or that customers can't find the information they need, or don't understand it; it will probably be a long time before anybody points it out to you.
Your web site represents your corporate image; but a poorly presented, scrappy web site is a failing of small businesses and large corporations alike. Typical mistakes include:
What's the point in showcasing your products and building up enthusiasm, if your clients can't make a purchase there and then? What's the point in giving them the information to log a request rather than allowing them to make the request itself? Nobody can have a meaningful conversation with a catalogue.
A power seller will engage a visitor, keep them interested, guide them from one product to the next. They will reassure the customers and answer all their questions. Does your web site do all of these?
The key to any meaningful web site is the ability to deliver. Whether it's an actual on-line shop delivering the goods, an agency processing time sheets, a transport company delivering timetables, or an internal department delivering staff training; there has to be an effective delivery. What is your web site delivering?
Power sellers will be aware of the popular lines, and products related to the item the customer is holding. They will make sure the customer is aware of additional services and make sure.
Power sellers will keep in contact with their customers, be aware of their last visits and purchase history, let them know of offers which may be of interest, encourages them to tell their friends and colleagues.