Your web site is worse than useless if it costs you more to develop and maintain that it brings you in increased revenue or reduced costs. You may just as well pour your money down the drain.
What cost-saving opportunities are you missing if your customers can't be the main admin of their own accounts? How much would you gain if your employees could submit their timesheets and expenses via a web application, or your suppliers could automatically receive new orders?
And how much of the resource you put into your web site is wasted on web site admin instead of developing valuable content, or paying web design companies to publish your content?
How many sales are you losing by denying customers the chance of shopping on-line, or by failing to entice them into your high street shops, restaurants and hotels?
You will be a web winner if you can either save money or generate sales from your web site.
If your web site allows customers to create their own sales account and update their account details, check and perhaps pay their invoices, access information about products, how many man hours is it saving you per week? A dynamic web site can pay for itself very swiftly.
Every sale brought to you from your e-commerce web site is very obviously generating income. But a web site which successfully promotes your brand is equally bringing tangible income to your company.
However many ways you find to make your web site pay its way, a well designed web application will give you low maintenance over a long life span. It will grow with the changing needs of your business, and keep you ahead of your competitors.