It's all about engaging your viewers!
To incorporate animations, games, interactive graphical tools on your website, there are two solutions: the "Adobe Flash" plug-in, and JavaScript applications (usually called "HTML5 Apps"). The best choice depends on the case: we can do both. This page has some examples.
Much of Kyosei Systems work is inside corporate networks, and often confidential. But we incorporated many example in Pink-Pound, which is our portfolio website. Here is a short tour of kinds of interactive Flash graphics applications we've developed.
One of the best ways to gain customer involvement, on a repeating basis. And they don't have to be alien-zapping games to be effective.
Pink-Pound incorporates two Flash games:
- A puzzle used in e-cards (click the image to the right). Users can upload their own photos.
- A Daily Prize Draw, which promotes a different selection of Pink-Pound listing businesses each day.
If you have some need to stimulate repeated user interaction, jot it down in the contact form in the right margin... we'll think about it and give you some ideas.
Interactive Information
For news-tickers, flight arrivals and departures, choosing a train seat, or finding a free parking space; these are ways to bring users the latest information in a continually changing environment, and letting them interact with it.
Does your website have a continual supply of new and updated information which needs to grab the attention of viewers?
Banners Plus!
Banners are a typical way to advertise, but users long ago learned to ignore notices and pick out the content they need.
Give your viewers an attractive reward to get their attention. In the example below, users watch the guy periodically pasting an advert. Every time a page is loaded on this website, viewer engagement is called by the Kyosei taxi!
- These banners use premium space on the homepage while it's not being used by the website visitor. They disappear if the user brings their mouse to the search box.
- Interspersing the banners is a second animation which pulls samples of real searches from the database, as another subtle form of suggestive advertising.